Sidewalk drawings at a missions event
Many hands make light work
Our Missions have many ways to help


Our missions group reaches out to those in our area to help them in may ways from community meals to food collection and donations.


Our missions group loves to help out our local schools and libraries helping kids of all ages have a better learning experience.
Our missions group helps keep our community warm with blanket drives and our Mitten tree. Dear Congregation, We are in our third week of our current missions of Church World Service (“CWS”) Blanket Program and those sponsors are coming in. Lets keep it up! As before, we ask you to view the attached video to learn about this amazing program. For $10.00 you can sponsor a blanket “In Honor of” or “In Memory of” your favorite Mothers. We will be collecting donations thru Mother’s Day, Sunday May 9, 2021. You may send these donations directly to Sherburne UCC at PO Box 517 Sherburne NY 13460 or drop off in person. We ask that you refer to “CWS Mission” to ensure the monies are directed correctly. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Michele at 607-316-3652.

Our Missions in action

Some of our Missions projects

We are a non-profit 50c3 Church

We're always looking for volunteers to deliver meals on wheels, help with community luncheons and elder care, addiction recovery, baking treats, sewing projects, and the list goes on. If you would like to volunteer, please send us an e-mail, give us a call, or stop on by. Our missions depend on your offerings and volunteer hours.


Where to find us:

Sunday Worship @ 10 am in person and on Facebook

Please join us anytime. You are welcome here.